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All the books and videos that we have created were produced for a specific reason, not simply just to have products to sell. Typically these were materials that our family so desperately needed but were not available during the challenging teenage years.

Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD, and Executive Function Deficits was especially written for anyone involved in the education of students with attention deficits, including both parents and teachers. Teaching Teens contains concise summaries regarding 80 key issues; 376 pages of information to ensure that our children succeed in school. From understanding the basics of ADD/ADHD to using effective interventions, everything is included in this book. For example:

  • What every teacher must know about ADD and ADHD!
  • Common learning problems found in students with ADD and ADHD
  • Reasons for school failure plus intervention strategies
  • Tips for mastering math
  • Suggestions for improving written expression
  • Memory skills
  • Time management
  • Organizational skills
  • Assigning "good" homework
  • Maximizing medication effectiveness at school
  • Classroom accommodations for "ADHD behaviors"
  • Impact of IDEA revisions

Busy teachers and administrators will appreciate the ease of using this quick reference guide to look up strategies for dealing with specific challenges in educating teenage students with ADD/ADHD. Parents who see their children struggling can use this book at home, especially when faced with homework difficulties, and to help coordinate efforts with teachers. Particularly helpful for the home-school partnership are the appendices, some of which are blank forms and checklists, suitable for photocopying.

An invaluable tool, Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD, and Executive Function Deficits gives teachers and parents what they need to know in order to support these teens and help them succeed in school.

Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD, and Executive Function Deficits

  • After the overwhelming success of Chris' first book, Teenagers with ADD and ADHD(1995, 2006, 2017), she began speaking around the county and internationally giving suggestions for helping students with attention deficits succeed in school. Her audiences ranged from teenagers and parents to teachers, school psychologists, principals, guidance counselors, mental health, juvenile justice, child welfare, and medical staff. Workshops have been given as far west as Washington State and as far east as London, England, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    From the in-depth preparation for each of the speaking events, she's developed a series of carefully crafted and bulleted overheads for these workshops. Having been a lobbyist in Florida and recognizing the benefits of brevity and clarity, Chris was not surprised that most people liked the easy to read and digest handouts for the sessions. So after five years of interviews, research and writing, she incorporated 80 concise summaries into my second book, Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD, and Executive Function Deficits (2000, 2011), for anyone who is involved in the process of educating students with ADHD. Chris personally struggled addressing these issues and now shares suggestions she found helpful for her own sons and their friends who have either ADD or ADHD.

    Like Teenagers with ADD and ADHD, this book was also based upon the input of over a hundred professionals including teachers, school psychologists, school social workers, guidance counselors, directors of special education, ADD coaches and college professors, many of whom are also parents of children with ADD or ADHD.

  • " This is a marvelously written, easily read and richly informative book on understanding and managing the executive, organization, attention, and other deficits associated with ADHD/ADD in children and adolescents. The information provided here is refreshingly science-based and remarkably useful instead of just being recycled or wholly invented clinical folklore. The author has not only worked with legions of families having ADHD children, but has lived with the disorder in her own family as well and so knows well of what she preaches in these pages. Both parents and teachers will find here numerous recommendations for addressing the home and school problems often associated with this disorder. In short, if you have a child with ADHD, you need to read this book. " 
    -Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Medical University of South Carolina Author of Taking Charge of ADHD

    "For years, Chris Dendy has helped parents and professionals understand that the traditional view of ADHD (impulsivity, distractability, inattention) represents merely the tip-of-the-iceberg for kids who struggle with attentional problems. The most complex part of the iceberg lies below the surface and consists of Executive Processes that have a significant impact on the child's ability to function successfully in and out of the classroom. In TEACHING TEENS WITH ADD, ADHD, AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DEFICITS Chris provides the reader with navigational maps, compasses, a sextant and telescopes to assist the child in avoiding and navigating these challenging deficits. These tools -- accompanied by Chris' wise and experienced advice -- can go a long way in helping parents and teachers guide students on this voyage. Chris' insights into these students are unparalleled and I recommend this book highly. It can make a true difference in the day-to-day life of a struggling student."
    -Richard D. Lavoie, Author, Consultant, Producer, The F.A.T. City Workshop

    "This new edition is an extraordinarily comprehensive, premier resource - a must have book for all educators and other professionals seeking the most current and reliable information, sage advice and guidance, and wealth of practical and research-validated strategies/interventions written by one of the most respected and experienced experts in the field. "
    - Sandra F. Rief, author of How to Reach & Teach Children with ADD/ADHD & The ADD/ADHD Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents & Teachers

    "Chris Dendy continues to educate, inspire, and empower teachers to help teens who have AD/HD. Known for her remarkable insight in helping others, Dendy masterfully provides practical, proven classroom strategies and interventions that teachers will be able to use to improve the success of students with AD/HD. This book will become treasured reading for every secondary school teacher."
    -Harvey C. Parker, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and author of numerous books on ADHD including his newest book, Problem Solver Guide for Student with ADHD;co-founder of National CHADD

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