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All the books and videos that we have created were produced for a specific reason, not simply just to have products to sell. Typically these were materials that our family so desperately needed but were not available during the challenging teenage years.
For example, when I wrote Teenagers with ADD and ADHD in 1995, there were no books on teens--they were all written on younger children.
Then in 2000 we published Teaching Teens with ADD and ADHD for both teachers and parents. The second edition with expanded chapters on executive function was released in Spring of 2011.
Until Alex and I wrote A Bird's Eye View of Life with ADD and ADHD in 2003, there were no fun, interesting, yet scientifically accurate books for teens to read.
In 2011, our video, Real Life ADHD! was one of the first produced specifically for children and teens with the young people themselves in leading roles.
To address the challenges our teens face as they transition into young adulthood and the work world, we wrote our newest book, Launching into Young Adulthood with ADHD…Ready or Not! (2021). Chris and her coauthor, Dr. Ruth Hughes dealt with the challenges of parenting their sons through this tough transition, and are sharing the wisdom they gained from lessons learned during this experience.
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